




Hey boo.
Let's hang, ok?

I'm a just a girl from CLE who left her heart in LA, currently living in a little town (it's a quiet village) in Central California who wants nothing more than to shoot pretty things with awesome people and support amazing businesses. 

Currently loving: Coldplay's Chris Martin and his on-stage dance moves, having 20+ books that I've started and haven't finished, and being that girl who has to turn up every single Taylor Swift song. Don’t hate.


Read on, loves!

According to the Meyers-Briggs test that I took 9 times I am INFJ, which is known as the world’s rarest personality type. INFJ’s make up only 2% of the population. So basically I’m a unicorn.

I'm mildly obsessed with popcorn, and one time when I was young I almost burned down my grandparents house because of it. Turns out if you accidentally microwave popcorn for 30 minutes, it will burn. And your Papa will freak out. I’ve had my dog for 12 years and the verdict is still out on whether he likes me. He does love to cuddle with me, but his side eye stares tell me a different story. My Grandma used to knit these huge blankets all the time, but it was my Mom who taught me how to crochet. And now my Grandma's handmade blanket and my blanket are what I use to snuggle on the couch. When I talk about anything, you'll see that I have a ton of facial expressions, and that is definitely something I got from my Dad. I’ve lived on both coasts and I feel #blessed to have best friends all across the US.

I love to dance, but my moves aren’t smooth. They are famously terrible. I like to think I'm Chris Martin and the living room is my stage, but he just does a way better job at twirling than I do. I'm a girl from Cleveland, Ohio and that absolutely means I am a Cleveland sports fan. I'm cool with other teams and I love going to sporting events, but my heart is still back with the Jake and the Gund (props to you if you got that)! Cleveland Cavs, Indians, Browns foreva! Because of this, sometimes my Midwest accent comes out. I lived in LA for 8 years, and I have to tell you that all the empty street parking and the deserted Griffith Park you saw in LA LA Land is a lie. I loved it anyways. I work in the wine industry and yes, I feel like I’ve become a wine snob. Sorry not sorry.


I know the usual thing to mention here is how much I love being a photographer. Which I do! But what I love the most is when I have someone say to me how they are nervous or don't like having their picture taken, and then when the session is over and I show them a few photos from the back of my camera and they are shocked. "That's us?! Omg your camera is magical!" It's not my camera. It's the connection. And I love capturing that.


More Random Things


I'm a big (day)dreamer. But please feel free to reach out and chat with me about these!

  • I have 10 tattoos, but they are all very small and hidden.

  • I like coffee, but I don't need it in my cup all day.

  • But whenever I travel, I always bring home a mug from that country/city.

  • I love going to the movies...a lot. I will see the same movie multiple times in theaters.

  • I want to live in England or France. 

  • I think it would be really cool to go back to college and study something really cool for the sake of learning

  • I'm a big book nerd. I even have a monthly book box called Book Of The Month.

  • I want to run a a different country.

  • I want to learn French and speak it fluently.

  • It's Pop, not Soda.

  • I want to travel to South Africa and go on a safari.

  • And maybe be gutsy and swim with sharks.

  • I want to write a book.

  • I want to own a hedgehog and name it Hermione. Give her an instagram account. The usual basic thing.

  • I want to work with NAMI and help young women.

  • I want to be more open about my struggle with mental illness with others.

  • I talk a lot about loss, grief, and mental health on my Instagram.

  • I am all about supporting women and their businesses.

  • I want to meet Steve Martin and George Clooney #silverfoxes

Chiang Mai - International Photographer Laura Pedrino Photo-30.jpg

Like to travel?

I'm always looking to explore new places & I love to gush and dream up new adventures. So let's chat!